Episode 4: The 2020 Olympics Part 1
What is the history of the Olympics and who were the athletes to watch
Episode 5: The Lion King
Does this iconic film from our childhood hold up?
Episode 6: Toxic Masculinity (ft. Audrey Schiffhauer)
Cait & Audrey discuss the construct of gender and how it leads to toxicity
Episode 11: Don't Look Under the Bed
Al & Val face off with bogey people with special guess Carly Heiser
Episodes 37: Best One Hit Wonder Bracket Results
Trent & Nia are joined again by special guest Steven Hix to break down the voting
Episodes 38: Mini Bracket: Frozen I vs. Frozen II
Let it Go vs. Into the Unknown
Multitalented Trident member Ariel Sinha joins Trent and discusses grounded scenes and whether you should go with your first idea or the next